A set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences.
It's a way of thinking about a subject matter, in other words a way to skin a cat. This is my personal method. Developing from thoughts I gather as I try to compose music to my satisfaction. Ideas that can turn into a process which I hope will make me more fluid and ultimately more productive. A lot of these ideas come from my software development experience but most from my struggles with composition.
So lets start by brainstorming some concepts:
- Inspiration
- Commitment
- Vision
- Big Picture
- Go with the Flow
- Development
- Stamina
- Energy
- Space
- Gravity
- Direction
- Focus
- Contrast
- Speed
- Incremental and cyclical
- PlaceHolders
Enough for now. Next I will try to define these terms.
Coming Soon.
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